Guavas are good

This inexpensive and humble food is regarded as one of the 'superfoods' nature has blessed us with. It has numerous health benefits
This tropical fruit, known as 'peru' locally, is easily available. And because they are quite cheap in terms of cost, everyone can afford them.
Guavas are sold in varying degrees of ripeness. However, it's best to quickly eat them within two days of getting ripe. You'll be surprised to know that this fruit, that we often take for granted, has so many health benefits. Read on to find out more:
- Guavas are beneficial in regulating blood pressure. It is said that one guava contains almost a similar amount of potassium that's present in bananas. Potassium reverses the effects of sodium, thereby regulating the balance of blood pressure. Also, it reduces cholesterol levels in the blood by preventing it from thickening.

- Consumption of guavas helps slow down the absorption of sugar in the blood. It is rich in fibre and is helpful for diabetic individuals. Also, studies have shown that a diet that is high in fibre (5.4 gm per 100 gm of fruit) is linked to a lower risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. Individuals suffering from constipation problems, too, can benefit form the high fibre content.
- Did you know that guavas contain four times more Vitamin C than oranges? Vitamin C contains antioxidant properties that protect cells from the damage of free radicals and is useful in lowering the risk of cancer.
- Even though guavas don't contain iodine, they are still beneficial in promoting healthy thyroid function, because it contains copper, which aids the production and absorption of hormones.
- Guavas are a good source of manganese that acts as an enzyme activator utilising nutrients like thiamine, biotin and ascorbic acid.
- If you want to optimise your brian function, turn to this fruit. Guavas are rich in the B group of vitamins. Niacin, better known as Vitamin B3, promotes blood circulation, thereby stimulating brain function. Vitamin B6, that is pyridoxine, helps in brain and nerve function.
- Women with fertility problems can eat guavas as they contain a good amounts of folate, which contain fertility-promoting properties.
