Foods To Eat Calcium Increase ...

calcium rich foods

Calcium intake is essential for healthy bones. If calcium content is low in body, not only is it caused by the formation of blood cells, but also the possibility of joint pain.

Calcium deficiency is usually more common in women than men. Due to menstruation, most calcium is excreted from the body. Pregnancy
There's a lot of calcium going away. Therefore, women need more attention to eating calcium foods than men. Can you see now about calcium rich foods?


Calcium is rich in milk. If women drink a protein powder in a glass of milk every day, one can get enough calcium per day.


Those who do not like milk, eat yogurt. Dairy also has calcium content in milk.


There is a lot of calcium in the shrimp. If you have too much speed, the calcium in it will go away. So you need to eat too much of the speed. Teeth are strong in teeth.

Sardines fish

Milk fish is very nutritious in fish. Such fish gives 33 percent calcium content. So if you eat it once a week, it's good.

Cheese and figs

One of the milk products is cheese, which is great for women. Because the cheese is rich in calcium. Two types of important nutrients in the fruit
Filled. There are important nutrients for women. It is calcium and iron. So it's good to eat these three pieces each day.

Green leafy vegetables

Besides dairy products, calcium is rich in green leafy vegetables. It is also rich in calcium content, such as spinach, broccoli etc.

Marine algae

Sea foods are also called calcium axalate. But if men eat it too much, they will have kidney stones. If women eat this, you can get too much calcium.


In addition to vitamin E in the almonds, 70-80 percent of calcium is rich. So eat a handful of almonds daily and increase the calcium in the body.
