7 Proven Benefits of Having Jamun (Black plum)

Native to India, jamun is a pretty fruit with rich color and sweet taste. The fruit is popular for its deep blue or purple color. Also known as black plum or Java plum, jamun has now spread to other tropical regions across the world. It is a fruit of the flowering tree called Syzygium cumini and it fruits during May and June. Jamun has several medicinal and health benefits. It is one of the best home remedies for stomach pain, diabetes and arthritis. The fruit also cures digestive issues like dysentery and flatulence. Here is a list of some more health benefits of jamun.

1. Improves hemoglobin count

Loaded with vitamin C and iron, jamun increases hemoglobin. With the increased number of hemoglobin, your blood will carry more oxygen to the organs and keep you healthy. The iron present in the fruit also purifies your blood.

2. Jamun has astringent property

Jamun has astringent property, which keeps your skin acne free. You should consume jamun if you have oily skin as it will help you keep your skin fresh and clear.

3. Improves health of skin and eyes

Jamun or the black plum improves the number of haemoglobin and the iron present in the fruit acts as a blood purifying agent. This helps in improving the health of your skin and eyes. The fruit is also rich in several minerals and vitamin C and A.

4. Keeps your heart healthy

Loaded with potassium, jamun is extremely beneficial for your heart. Around 55 mg of potassium is present per 100 grams of jamun. The fruit is beneficial in keeping diseases like high blood pressure, heart diseases and stroke at bay. It also keeps your arteries healthy and prevents its hardening.

5. Strengthens your gums and teeth

Jamun is beneficial for your gums and teeth. The leaves of the black plum have antibacterial properties and can be used to prevent bleeding of gums. You can dry the leave and then powder it to be used as a tooth powder. This will help in preventing gum bleeding and infection. The bark of the tree has astringent properties and you can use a decoction prepared with the bark to rinse your mouth to treat mouth ulcers.

6. Prevents infection

Jamun has antibacterial, anti-infective and anti-malaria properties. The fruit also contains malic acid, tannins, gallic acid, oxalic acid and betulic acid. The fruit is effective preventing common infections.

7. Treats diabetes

Black plums can cure the symptoms of diabetes including excess urination and thirst. It has low glycemic index, which keeps the blood sugar levels normal. Seeds, bark and leaves of the tree can be used for the treatment of diabetes.
These health benefits make the fruit more special. Make sure you eat jamun during its season and enjoy all these benefits.
