10 Diet Tips for Diabetes Control

10 Diet Tips for Diabetes Control
Diabetes control through foods is highly necessary to live risk-free life. Firstly, know what to eat and what not to eat for diabetes control and cure.

Eating right and healthy foods for diabetes will control health risks and helps for cure.

Here’s top 10 diet tips for diabetes control suggested by diabetologists (Diabetes doctors). These tips also help to prevent diabetes in the earlier stage.

Diet Tips for Diabetes Control #1:

Fibre rich foods are more beneficial for diabetes control. Eat these fibre rich foods such as multi-grains, oats, leafy greens, mushrooms, beans, cauliflower, peas and cabbage etc.

Diet Tip for Diabetes Control #2:

Soak 2 tsp of methi seeds or Fenugreek seeds (Venthayam in Tamil) in 100 ml of water. Eat it in the morning along with water. It excellently control diabetes.

Diet Tip for Diabetes Control #3:

Tomatoes naturally helps to fight for diabetes disease. Drink cup of fresh tomato juice with a pinch of salt and pepper. Drinking it in the empty stomach adds more health benefits.

Diet Tip for Diabetes Control #4:

Almonds (Badam) rich in proteins and other essential nutrients helps to live healthy. Soak 4-5 almonds in a cup of water for overnight. Intake it in the morning along with water. It greatly helps to control diabetes.

Diet Tip for Diabetes Control #5:

Buttermilk which is free from fats is one of the healthy drinks especially for diabetes control. Drink a cup of buttermilk with pinch of salt and pepper after your lunch. Also, intake more healthy fluids such as coconut milk, fruits juices (without sugars).

Diet Tip for Diabetes Control #6:

Calcium and protein rich cow’s milk helps to control diabetes and blood sugar. Drink warm milk with very less or without sugar both morning and evening. It only control diabetes but also prevents bone diseases.

Diet Tip for Diabetes Control #7:

Can diabetics eat all the fruit they want? Diabetic people can intake fibre rich fruits such as apple, orange, papaya, guava and pears. As other fruits like mango, banana, grapes are high in sugar you can eat them in limit.

Diet Tip for Diabetes Control #8:

Healthy fats are more beneficial for maintaining body healthy and disease-free. Especially omega fatty acids (Omega 3), flax seeds oil, olive oil, corn oil, canola oil are the best cooking oil for diabetes. They are low in cholesterol and zero trans fats.

Diet Tip for Diabetes Control #9:

High fibre cookies, upma with vegetables, brown bread vegetable sandwiches can taken as healthy snacks to control diabetes. Also, sprouts, pulses can be boiled and taken for snacking.

Diet Tip for Diabetes Control #10:

Avoid deep fried snacks and extra oily foods which are rich in cholesterol and fats. These fats and cholesterol raise more health risks such as heart diseases and diabetes. Also, follow walking for 20 minutes everyday to live healthy.
