Lose Weight using Lemon

We all heard the numerous health and beauty benefits of lemon. The tangy citrus fruit juice has been used since decades to treat many skin, hair and health ailments. Lemon is very popularly known as fat burning fruit. Dieters drink a lot of honey and lemon juice to lose weight easily. Moreover, lemon is a detox fruit. It cleanses the body from harmful toxins and free radicals that are dangerous.

So, including lemon in your diet is very beneficial for the overall health. You may not know but there is a lemon diet that dieters follow. Lemon diet is very popular among celebrities like Jennifer Anson, Beyonce and Heidi Klum. Lemon diet is easy to follow and very effective too. Apart from maintaining the slim figure, it also helps get a glowing face.

Drinking just a glass of honey and lemon juice is not enough. Here are some healthy ways to eat lemon and follow the proper diet.

No solid food
When you are on lemon diet, you are not supposed to eat any solid foods like rice or wheat for a few days. This helps detox and cleanse the system from toxins.

No spices
Spice can increase the toxins in the body and can affect the digestive system as well. So, avoid spices when following a lemon diet.

More fluids
When you are on a lemon diet, you need to drink lots of healthy fluids like fat burning citrus fruit juices or soups. They cleanse the system and also keeps you fuller.

Honey has antioxidants and fat burning properties that are very effective for weight loss.

Lemon pancakes can be a nice breakfast idea for lemon diet followers. It is filling, tasty and aids weight loss too!

Lemon-honey juice has many health benefits. It detoxes the body, cleanses it, removes free radicals and aids weight loss. Drink a glass of lemon and honey juice empty every morning.

Lemon juice
Lemon juice keeps the body hydrated, aids weight loss, cleanses the body and controls food cravings. Avoid adding sugar in lemon juice if you are having it for weight loss.

Lemon pie
If you are on a lemon diet, you can not have creamy dessert. Desserts especially with artificial sweeteners are fattening and can increase blood sugar levels. So, a lemon pie is one of the healthy ways to eat lemons.

Lemon soup
During the lemon diet, you need to rely on lots of fluids. A bowl of hot lemon soup can be refreshing, healthy and aid weight loss too.

Lemon over salad
Make your boring and tasteless salad delicious and tangy by adding a few drops of lemon juice.
